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Aging and Long-Term Care

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1. Bernard M. Backs to the future? Reflections of women, ageing, and nursing.J Adv Nurs. 1998;27(3):633-640.

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33. Okoye UO, Obikeze DS. Stereotypes and perceptions of the elderly by the youth in Nigeria: implications for social policy. J Appl Gerontol. 2005;24(5):439-452.

34. Van Etten D, Gautam R. Custodial grandparents raising grandchildren: lack of legal relationship is a barrier for services. J Gerontol Nurs. 2012;38(6):18-22.

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52. Nelson TD. The age of ageism. J Soc Issues. 2016;72(1):191-198.

53. Ramírez LF, Palacios-Espinosa X. Stereotypes about old age, social support, aging anxiety and evaluations of one's own health. J Soc Issues. 2016;72(1):47-68.

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100. Chen JH, Gill TM, Prigerson HG. Health behaviors associated with better quality of life for older bereaved persons. J Palliat Med. 2005;8(1):96-106.

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104. Langer N. Integrating compliance, communication, and culture: delivering health care to an aging population. Educ Gerontol. 2008;34(5):385-396.

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106. Onolemhemhen DN. Meeting the challenges of urban aging: narratives of poor elderly women of Detroit, Michigan. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2009;52(7):729-743.

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