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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Key Practice Issues

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1. Dolbin-MacNab ML. Just like raising your own? Grandmothers' perceptions of parenting a second time around. Fam Relat. 2006;55(5):564-575.

2. Glass JC, Huneycutt TL. Grandparents parenting grandchildren: extent of situation, issues involved, and educational implications. Educ Gerontol. 2002;28(2):139-161.

3. Bachman HJ, Chase-Lansdale PL. Custodial grandmothers' physical, mental, and economic well-being: comparisons of primary caregivers from low-income neighborhoods. Fam Relat. 2005;54(4):475-487.

4. Hayslip B, Kaminski PL. Grandparents raising their grandchildren. Marriage Fam Rev. 2005;37(1/2):147-169.

5. Neely-Barnes SL, Graft JC, Washington G. The health-related quality of life of custodial grandparents. Health Soc Work. 2010;35(2):87-97.

6. Hayslip B, Kaminski PL. Grandparents raising their grandchildren: a review of the literature and suggestions for practice. Gerontologist. 2005;45:262-269.

7. Kaminski PL, Hayslip B, Wilson JL, Casto LN. Parenting attitudes and adjustment among custodial grandparents. J Intergener Relat. 2008;6(3):263-284.

8. Ross MET, Aday L. Stress and coping in African American grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. J Fam Issues. 2006;27: 912-932.

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54. Kelley S, Whitley D, Sipe TA, Yorker BC. Psychological distress in grandmother kinship care providers: the role of resources, social support and physical health. Child Abuse Negl. 2000;24(3):311-321.

55. Linsk N, Mason S, Fendrich M, Bass M, Prubhughate P, Brown A. "No matter what I do they still want their family:" stressors for African American grandparents and other relatives. J Fam Soc Work. 2009:12(1):25-43.

56. Shakya HB, Usita PM, Eisenberg C, Weston J, Liles S. Family well-being concerns of grandparents in skipped generation families.J Gerontol Soc Work. 2012;55(1):39-54.

57. Minkler M, Fuller-Thomson E. The health of grandparents raising grandchildren: results of a national study. Am J Pub Health. 1999;89(9):1384-1389.

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61. Hayslip B, Glover RJ. Custodial grandparenting: perceptions of loss by non-custodial grandparent. Omega. 2008-2009;58(3):163-175.

62. Letiecq BL, Bailey SJ, Kurtz MA. Depression among rural Native American and European American grandparents rearing their grandchildren. J Fam Issues. 2008;29(3):334-356.

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64. Wang Y, Marcotte DE. Golden years? The labor market effects of caring for grandchildren. J Marriage Fam. 2007;69(5):1283-1296.

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70. Bullock K, Thomas RL. The vulnerability for elder abuse among a sample of custodial grandfathers: an exploratory study. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2007;19(3/4):133-150.

71. Brownell P, Berman J, Nelson A, Fofana RC. Grandparents raising grandchildren: the risks of caregiving. J Elder Abuse Negl. 2003;15(3/4):5-31.

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84. Meara K. What's in a name? Defining and granting a legal status to grandparents who are informal primary caregivers of their grandchildren. Fam Court Rev. 2014;52(1):128-141.

85. Letiecq BL, Bailey SJ, Porterfield F. "We have no rights, we get no help:" the legal and policy dilemmas facing grandparent caregivers.J Fam Issues. 2008;29(8):996-1012.

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87. Cox CB. Empowering African American custodial grandparents. Soc Work. 2002;47(1):45-54.

88. Collins WL. A strengths-based support group to empower African American grandmothers raising grandchildren. Soc Work Christianity. 2011;38(4):453-466.

89. Carra GF, Grayb J, Hayslip B Jr. Needs for information about supportive resources: a predictor of needs for service and service use in African American grandmother caregivers. Intergener Relationsh. 2012;10(1):48-63.

90. Edwards OW, Sweeney AE. Theory-based interventions for school children cared for by their grandparents. Educational Psychology in Practice. 2007;23(2):177-190.

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93. Edwards OW. Teachers' perceptions of the emotional and behavioral functioning of children raised by grandparents. Psychol Sch. 2006;43(5):565-572.

94. Whitley DM, Kelley SJ. Developmental screening and evaluation results of young African American grandchildren raised by grandparents: thoughts for research and practice. Arete. 2008;32(1):38-57.

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