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Cyberbullying and Harassment

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1. Patchin JW, Hinduja S. Bullies move beyond the schoolyard: a preliminary look at cyberbullying. Youth Violence Juv Justice. 2006;4(2):148-169.

2. Ybarra ML, Mitchell KJ. Youth engaging in online harassment: associations with caregiver-child relationships, Internet use, and personal characteristics. J Adolesc. 2004;27(3):319-336.

3. Li Q. A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents' experience related to cyberbullying. Educ Res. 2008;50(3):223-234.

4. Premsky M. Digital natives: digital immigrants. On the Horizon. 2001;9(5):1-6.

5. Herther NK. Digital natives and immigrants. Online. 2009;33(6):14-21.

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8. Pew Research Center. Mobile Fact Sheet. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

9. Pew Research Center. U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

10. Walsh SP, White KM, Young RM. Over-connected? A qualitative phenomenon of the relationship between Australian youths and their mobile phones. J Adolesc. 2008;31(1):77-92.

11. Pew Research Center. Teens, Social Media and Technology Overview, 2015. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

12. The Nielson Company. U.S. Teen Mobile Report: Calling Yesterday, Texting Today, Using Apps Tomorrow. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

13. Pew Research Center. Social Media Fact Sheet. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

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15. Pew Research Center. How Parents Monitor their Teen's Digital Behavior. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

16. Guillén MF, Suárez SL. Explaining the global digital divide: economic, political, and sociological drivers of cross-national Internet use. Soc Forces. 2005;84(2):681-708.

17. Wasserman IM, Richmond-Abbott M. Gender and the Internet: causes of variation in access, level, and scope of use. Soc Sci Q. 2005;86(1):252-270.

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19. Sheridan LP, Grant T. Is cyberstalking different? Psychology, Crime & Law. 2007;13(6):627-640.

20. Olweus D. A profile of bullying at school. Educ Leadersh. 2003;60(6):12-19.

21. Mitchell KJ, Wolak J, Finkelhor D. Trends in youth reports of sexual solicitations, harassment and unwanted exposure to pornography on the Internet. J Adolesc Health. 2007;40(2):116-126.

22. Vandebosch H, Van Cleemput K. Defining cyberbullying: a qualitative research into the perceptions of youngsters. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2008;11(4):499-503.

23. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Cyberbullying Fact Sheet: What You Need To Know About Online Aggression. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

24. What is Cyberbullying? Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

25. Cyber Bullying Statistics. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

26. Ybarra ML, Espelage DL, Mitchell KJ. The co-occurrence of Internet harassment and unwanted sexual solicitation victimization and perpetration: associations with psychosocial indicators. J Adolesc Health. 2007;41(6 Suppl 1):S31-S41.

27. Boyd DM, Ellison NB. Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. J Comput Mediat Commun. 2008;13(1):210-230.

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29. Mishna F, McLuckie A, Saini M. Real-world dangers in an online reality: a qualitative study examining online relationships and cyber abuse. Soc Work Res. 2009;33(2):107-118.

30. Calvete E, Orue I, Estévez A, Villardón L, Padilla P. Cyberbullying in adolescents: modalities and aggressors' profile. Comput Human Behav. 2010;26(5):1128-1135.

31. Reeckman B, Cannard L. Cyberbullying. Youth Studies Australia. 2009;28(2):41-49.

32. Cassidy W, Jackson M, Brown KN. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but how can pixels hurt me? Students' experiences with cyber-bullying. Sch Psychol Int. 2009:30(4):383-402.

33. Strom PS, Strom RD. Cyberbullying by adolescents: a preliminary assessment. Educ Forum. 2005;70(1):21-36.

34. O'Donovan E. Sexting and student discipline. District Administration. 2010;46(3):60-64.

35. Lenhart A. Teens and Sexting. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

36. Raskauskas J, Stoltz AD. Involvement in traditional and electronic bullying among adolescents. Dev Psychol. 2007;43(3):564-575.

37. Anderson M. A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

38. Finkelhor D, Mitchell KJ, Wolak J. Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation's Youth. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

39. Ybarra ML, Mitchell KJ. Instant messaging may put young people at risk of harassment. Nurs Stand. 2008;22(31):17.

40. Tynes BM, Giang MT, Williams DR, Thompson GN. Online racial discrimination and psychological adjustment among adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2008;43(6):565-569.

41. Martin M. Computer and Internet Use in the United States, 2018. Available at Last accessed November 27, 2023.

42. Finn J. A survey of online harassment at a university campus. J Interpers Violence. 2004;19(4):468-483.

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44. Macdonald CD, Roberts-Pittman B. Cyberbullying Among College Students: Prevalence and Demographic Differences. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

45. Burke S, Yick-Flanagan A, Oomen-Early J, Walker A. Using Social Networking Sites to Explore Cyberabuse Among U.S. Women. Paper presented at: American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting and Expo; November 6, 2010; Denver, CO.

46. Mishna F, Khoury-Kassabri M, Gadalla T, Daciuka J. Risk factors for involvement in cyberbullying: victims, bullies and bully-victims. Children and Youth Services Review. 2012;34(1): 63-70.

47. Peter I-K, Petermann F. Cyberbullying: a concept analysis of defining attributes and additional influencing factors. Computers in Human Behavior. 2018;86:350-366.

48. Price M, Dalgleish J. Cyberbullying experiences, impacts and coping strategies as described by Australian young people. Youth Studies Australia. 2010;29(2):51-59.

49. Hokoda A, Lu H-HA, Angeles M. School bullying in Taiwanese adolescents. Journal of Emotional Abuse. 2006;6(4):69-90.

50. Mishna F, Saini M, Solomon S. Ongoing and online: children and youth's perceptions of cyber bullying. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2009;31:1222-1228.

51. Ybarra ML, Mitchell KJ. Prevalence and frequency of Internet harassment instigation: implications for adolescent health. J Adolesc Health. 2004:41(2):189-195.

52. Kiriakidis SP, Kavoura A. Cyberbullying: a review of the literature on harassment through the internet and other electronic means. Fam Community Health. 2010;33(2):82-93.

53. Williams KR, Guerra NG. Prevalence and predictors of internet bullying. J Adolesc Health. 2007;41(6):S14-S21.

54. Ybarra ML, Diener-West M, Leaf PJ. Examining the overlap in Internet harassment and school bullying: implications for school intervention. J Adolesc Health. 2007;41(6 Suppl 1):S42-S50.

55. Willard NE. Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Cruelty, Threats, and Distress. Champaign, IL: Research Press; 2007.

56. Mesch GS. Parental mediation, online activities and cyberbullying. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009;12(4):387-393.

57. Juvonen J, Gross EF. Extending the school grounds? Bullying experiences in cyberspace. J Sch Health. 2008;78(9):46-54.

58. Patchin JW, Hinduja S. Traditional and nontraditional bullying among youth: a test of general strain theory. Youth Soc. 2011;43(2):727-751.

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61. Huang Y, Chou C. An analysis of multiple factors of cyberbullying among junior high school students in Taiwan. Comput Human Behav. 2010;26(6):1581-1590.

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65. Jerin R, Dolinsky B. You've got mail! You don't want it: cyber-victimization and on-line dating. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture. 2001;9(1):15-21.

66. Couch D, Liamputtong P. Online dating and mating: the use of the Internet to meet sexual partners. Qual Health Res. 2008;18(2):268-279.

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71. Finn J, Atkinson T. Promoting the safe and strategic use of technology for victims of intimate partner violence: evaluation of the Technology Safety Project. J Fam Violence. 2009;24(1):53-59.

72. Southworth C, Finn J, Dawson S, Fraser C, Tucker S. Intimate partner violence, technology, and stalking. Violence Against Women. 2007;13(8):842-856.

73. Beran T, Li Q. The relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying. Journal of Student Wellbeing. 2007;1(2):15-33.

74. Ybarra ML. Linkages between depressive symptomatology and Internet harassment among young regular Internet users. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2004;7(2):247-257.

75. Ybarra ML, Leaf PJ, Diener-West M. Sex differences in youth-reported depressive symptomatology and unwanted Internet sexual solicitation. J Med Internet Res. 2004;6(1):e5.

76. Patchin JW, Hinduja S. Cyberbullying and self-esteem. J Sch Health. 2010;80(12):614-621.

77. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide. Arch Suicide Res. 2010;14(3):206-221.

78. Delmonico DL, Griffin EJ. Cybersex and the e-teen: what marriage and family therapists should know. J Marital Fam Ther. 2008;34(4):431-444.

79. Diamanduros T, Downs E, Jenkins SJ. The role of school psychologists in the assessment, prevention, and intervention of cyberbullying. Psychol Sch. 2008;45(8):693-704.

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82. Liau AK, Khoo A, Ang PH. Factors influencing adolescents' engagement in risky Internet behavior. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2005;8(6):513-520.

83. Wolak J, Finkelhor D, Mitchell KJ, Ybarra ML. Online "predators" and their victims: myths, realities and implications for prevention and treatment. Am Psychol. 2008;63(2):111-128.

84. Dowell EB, Burgess AW, Cavanaugh DJ. Clustering of Internet risk behaviors in a middle school student population. J Sch Health. 2009;79(11):547-553.

85. Liau A, Khoo A, Ang P. Parental awareness and monitoring of adolescent Internet use. Curr Psychol. 2008;27(4):217-233.

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88. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Preventing Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

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90. Alexy EM, Burgess AW, Baker T, Smoyak SA. Perceptions of cyberstalking among college students. Brief Treat Crisis Interv. 2005;5(3):279-289.

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96. Hinduja S, Patchin J. Preventing Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Educators. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

97. Faucher C, Jackson M, Cassidy W. Cyberbullying among university students: gendered experiences, impacts, and perspectives. Education Research International. 2014;2014: 698545.

98. Mehari KR, Farrell AD, Le AH. Cyberbullying among adolescents: measures in search of a construct. Psychol Violence. 2014; 4(4):399-415.

99. Compton L, Campbell MA, Mergler A. Teacher, parent and student perceptions of the motives of cyberbullies. Soc Psychol Educ. 2014;17(3):383-400.

100. Slonje R, Smith PK, Frisén A. The nature of cyberbullying, and strategies for prevention. Comput Human Behav. 2013;29(1):26-32.

101. Lenhart A, Madden M, Smith A, Purcell K, Zickuhr K, Rainie L. Teens, Kindness and Cruelty on Social Network Sites: How American Teens Navigate the New World of "Digital Citizenship."Washington, DC: Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project; 2011.

102. Kowalski RM, Giumetti GW, Schroeder AN, Lattanner MR. Bullying in the digital age: a critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth. Psychol Bull. 2014;140(4):1073-1137.

103. Peskin F, Markham CM, Addy RC, et al. Prevalence and patterns of sexting among ethnic minority urban high school students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2013;16(6):454-459.

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105. Slonje R, Smith PK. Cyberbullying: another main type of bullying? Scand J Psychol. 2008;49:147-154.

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107. Jones LM, Mitchell KJ, Finkelhor D. Trends in youth Internet victimization: findings from three youth Internet safety surveys 2000–2010. J Adolesc Health. 2012;50(2):179-186.

108. Chang FC, Chiu CH, Miao NF, et al. Predictors of unwanted exposure to online pornography and online sexual solicitation of youth. J Health Psychol. 2014;21(6):1107-1118.

109. Gibb ZG, Devereux PG. Who does that anyway? Predictors and personality correlates of cyberbullying in college. Comput Human Behav. 2014;38:8-16.

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112. Barlett CP, Gentile DA, Anderson CA, et al. Cross-cultural differences in cyberbullying behavior: a short-term longitudinal study. J Cross Cult Psychol. 2014;45(2):300-313.

113. Li Q. A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents' experience related to cyberbullying. Educ Res. 2008;50:223-234.

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115. Barlett CP, Gentile DA, Chew C. Predicting cyberbullying from anonymity. Psychol Pop Media Cult. 2016;5(2):171-180.

116. D'Auria JP. Cyberbullying resources for youth and their families. J Pediatr Health Care. 2014;28(2):e19-e22.

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132. Barlett CP, Helmstetter K, Gentile DA. The development of a new cyberbullying attitude measure. Comput Human Behav. 2016;64:906-913.

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178. D'Souza N, Forsyth D, Tappin D, Catley B. Conceptualizing workplace cyberbullying: toward a definition for research and practice in nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 2018;26(7):842-850.

179. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Digital Dating Abuse: A Brief Guide for Educators and Parents. Available at Last accessed July 31, 2023.

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183. Chu XW, Fan CY, Liu QQ, Zhou ZK. Cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescents: examining hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator. Computers in Human Behavior. 2018;86:377-386.

184. Chen L, Ho SS, Lwin MO. A meta-analysis of factors predicting cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: from the social cognitive and media effects approach. New Media & Society. 2017;19(8): 1194-1213.

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