Works Cited

Online Professionalism and Ethics

Course #97663 - $18 -

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    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.

1. Madden M, Fox S, Smith A, Vitak J. Digital Footprints. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

2. Genova GL. No place to play: current employee privacy rights in social networking sites. Business Communication Quarterly. 2009;72(1):97-101.

3. Yap KY, Tiang YL. Recommendations for health care educators on e-professionalism and student behavior on social networking sites. Medicolegal and Bioethics. 2014;4:25-36.

4. White H. Locating clinical boundaries in the World Wide Web. Am J Psychiatry. 2009;166(5):620-621.

5. Strom-Gottfried K, Thomas MS, Anderson H. Social work and social media: reconciling ethical standards and emerging technologies. J Soc Work Values Ethics. 2014;11(1):54-65.

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9. Nielsenwire. Social Networks, Blogs Now Account for One in Every Four and a Half Minutes Online. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

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12. Guterman JT, Kirk MA. Mental health counselors and the Internet. J Ment Health Couns. 1999;21(4):309-325.

13. Huffaker D. Gender Similarities and Differences in Online Identity and Language Use Among Teenage Bloggers. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

14. McAuliffe D, Nipperess S. E-professionalism and the ethical use of technology in social work. Australian Social Work. 2017;70(2):131-134.

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17. Kamel Buolos MN, Wheeler S. The emerging Web 2.0 social software: an enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and health care education. Health Info Libr J. 2007;24(1):2-23.

18. ChesterA, Glass CA. Online counseling: a descriptive analysis of therapy services on the Internet. British J Guid Couns. 2006;34(2):145-160.

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21. Clingerman TL, Bernard JM. An investigation of the use of e-mail as a supplement modality for clinical supervision. Counselor Education and Supervision. 2004;44(2):82-95.

22. Greer BG. Psychological and support functions of an e-mail mailing list for persons with cerebral palsy. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2000;3(2):221-235.

23. Collins LH. Practicing safer listserv use: ethical use of an invaluable resource. Prof Psychol Res Pr. 2007;38(6):690-698.

24. Manhal-Baugus M. E-therapy: practical, ethical, and legal issues. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2001;4(5):551-563.

25. Donelle L, Hoffman-Goetz L. Functional health literacy and cancer care conversations in online forums for retired persons.Inform Health Soc Care. 2009;34(1):59-72.

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27. Tan L. Psychotherapy 2.0: MySpace blogging as self-therapy. Am J Psychother. 2008;62(2):143-163.

28. Miller EA, Pole A. Diagnosis blog: checking up on health blogs in the blogosphere. Am J Public Health. 2010;100(8):1514-1519.

29. Kamel Buolos MN, Maramba I, Wheeler S. Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education. BMC Med Educ. 2006;15(6):41-48.

30. Brott PE, Myers JE. Development of professional school counselor identity: a grounded theory. Professional School Counseling. 1999;2(5)339-348.

31. Moore WE. The Professions: Roles and Rules. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation; 1970.

32. VanZandt CE. Professionalism: a matter of personal initiative. J Couns Development. 1990;68:243-245.

33. Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians. Doctors in society: medical professionalism in a changing world. Clin Medicine. 2005;5(6 supp 1):5-40.

34. Academy of Internal Medicine. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136(3):243-246.

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36. Martimianakis MA, Maniate JM, Hodges BD. Sociological interpretations of professionalism. Med Educ. 2009;43(9):829-837.

37. LaSala KB, Nelson J. What contributes to professionalism? Medsurg Nurs. 2005;14(1):63-67.

38. Corey G, Corey MS, Callanan P. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. 9th ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing; 2014.

39. Kenyon P. What Would You Do? An Ethical Case Workbook for Human Service Professionals. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing; 1999.

40. Howe E. Public professions and the private model of professionalism. Social Work. 1980;25(3):179-191.

41. Lehavot K. "MySpace" or yours? The ethical dilemma of graduate students' personal lives on the Internet. Ethics Behav. 2009;19(2):129-141.

42. Taylor L, McMinn MR, Bufford RK, Chang KBT. Psychologists' attitudes and ethical concerns regarding the use of social networking web sites. Prof Psychol Res Pract. 2010;41(2):153-159.

43. National Board for Certified Counselors. National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

44. Peluchette J, Karl K. Examining students' intended image on Facebook: "What were they thinking?!" J Educ Business. 2010;85:30-37.

45. Thompson LA, Dawson K, Ferdig R, Black EW, Boyer J, Coutts J, Black NP. The intersection of online social networking with medical professionalism. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):954-957.

46. Lehavot K, Barnett JE, Powers D. Psychotherapy, professional relationships, and ethical considerations in the MySpace generation. Prof Psychol Res Pract. 2010;41(2):160-166.

47. Chin JJ. Medical professionalism in the Internet age. Annals Acad Medicine Singapore. 2010;39(5):345-347.

48. Lehavot K. Is being exposed all bad? Implications of Internet self-disclosures for psychotherapists, clients, and graduate students. Prof Psychol Res Pract. 2009a;40(1):28-29.

49. Klich-Heartt EI, Prion S. Social networking and HIPAA: ethical concerns for nurses. Nurse Leader. 2010;8(2):56-58.

50. Bemis-Doughert A. Professionalism and social networking. PT in Motion. 2010;2(5):40-47.

51. Lagu T, Kaufman EJ, Asch DA, Armstrong, K. Content of weblogs written by health professionals. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(10):1642-1646.

52. Schön DA. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action. New York, NY: Basic Books; 1983.

53. Zur O, Williams MH, Lehavot K, Knapp S. Psychotherapist self-disclosure and transparency in the Internet age. Profess Psychol Res Pract. 2009;40(1):22-26.

54. Williams MH. How self-disclosure got a bad name. Profess Psychol Res Pract. 2009;40(1):26-28.

55. Jannsen M. Social networking and e-professionalism. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66(18):1672.

56. Barnett JE. Online "Sharing" Demands Caution. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

57. Madden M, Smith A. Reputation Management and Social Media. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

58. Anderson M, Silver L. 7 Key Findings About Mobile Phone and Social Media Use in Emerging Economies. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

59. Cook JE,, Doyle C. Working alliance in online therapy as compared to face-to-face therapy: preliminary results. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2002;5(2):95-105.

60. Fukkink R. Peer counseling in an online chat service: a content analysis of social support. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2011;14(4):247-251.

61. Reamer FG. Social work in a digital age: ethical and risk management challenges. Soc Work. 2013;58(2):163-172.

62. Valutis S, Rubin D, Bell M. Professional socialization and social work values: who are we teaching? Soc Work Educ. 2012;31(8):1046-1057.

63. Clyde JW, Rodríguez MMD, Geiser C. Medical professionalism: an experimental look at physicians' Facebook profiles. Med Educ Online. 2014;19(18):23149.

64. Gorman EH, Sandefur RL. "Golden age," quiescence, and revival: how the sociology of professionals became the student of knowledge-based work. Work Occup. 2011;38:275-302.

65. U.S. Census Bureau. Computer and Internet Use in the United States: 2016. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

66. Halabuza D. Guidelines for social workers' use of social networking websites. J Soc Work Values Ethics. 2014;11(1):23-32.

67. Anderson SC, Guyton MR. Ethics in an age of information seekers: a survey of licensed healthcare providers about online social networking. J Technol Hum Serv. 2013;31(2):112-128.

68. Levati S. Professional conduct among registered nurses in the use of online social networking sites. J Adv Nurs. 2014;70(10):2284-2292.

69. Lannin DG, Scott NA. Social networking ethics: developing best practices for the new small world. Prof Psychol Res Pr. 2013;44(3):135-141.

70. Yonan J, Bardick AD, Willment JH. Ethical decision making, therapeutic boundaries, and communicating using online technology and cellular phones. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2011;45(4):307-326.

71. Kimball E, Kim J. Virtual boundaries: ethical considerations for use of social media in social work. Soc Work. 2013;58(2):185-188.

72. Dombo EA, Kays L, Weller K. Clinical social work practice and technology: personal, practical, regulatory, and ethical considerations for the twenty-first century. Soc Work Healthc. 2014;53(9):900-919.

73. Clinton BK, Silverman BC, Brendel DH. Patient-target googling: the ethics of searching online for patient information. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2010;18(2):103-112.

74. Harris SE, Robinson Kurpius SE. Social networking and professional ethics: client searches, informed consent and disclosure.Prof Psychol Res Pr. 2014;45(1):11-19.

75. Jordan NA, Russell L, Afousi E, et al. The ethical use of social media in marriage and family therapy: recommendations and future directions. Fam J. 2014;22(1):105-112.

76. Smith A, Anderson M. Social Media Use in 2021. Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

77. Osborn D, Miller A, McCain S, Belle JG. Using social media for personal online reputation management. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal. 2016;32(2):136-145.

78. Anderson M. Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019. Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

79. Baier AL. The ethical implications of social media: issues and recommendations for clinical practice. Ethics & Behavior. 2019;29(5):341-351.

80. Salleh A, Hamzah R, Nordin N, Ghavifekr S, Joorabchi TN. Online counseling using email: a qualitative study. Asia Pacific Education Review. 2015;16(4):549-563.

81. Johnson SM. E-counselling: a review of practices and ethical considerations. Antistasis. 2017;7(1):38-47.

82. Stommel W, Van Der Houwen F. Counseling and new media technologies: a comparison of problem presentations in e-mail and in chat. Commun Med. 2015;12(2/3):243-256.

83. Beaumont E, Chester P, Rideout H. Navigating ethical challenges in social media: social work student and practitioner perspectives. Australian Social Work. 2017;70(2):221-228.

84. Pietrabissa G, Manzoni GM, Algeri D, et al. Facebook use as access facilitator for consulting psychology. Australian Psychologist. 2015;50(4):299-303.

85. Bair MA. Professionalism: a comparative case study of teachers, nurses, and social workers. Educational Studies. 2016;42(5):450-464.

86. Noordegraaf M. Reconfiguring professional work: changing forms of professionalism in public services. Administration & Society. 2016;48(7):783-810.

87. Winfield C, Sparkman-Key N, Vajda A. Professional standards: embracing preventive ethics in human services. J Hum Serv. 2017;37(1):55-62.

88. Ross W. Web-based counseling: evaluating efficacy in light of ethical challenges and therapeutic advantages. Online Journal of Counseling & Education. 2016;5(2):35-49.

89. American Psychological Association. Guidelines for the practice of telepsychology. American Psychologist. 2013;68(9):791-800.

90. Reamer FG. Eye on Ethics: New NASW Code of Ethics Standards for the Digital Age. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

91. National Association of Social Workers, Association of Social Work Boards, Council on Social Work Education, Clinical Social Work Association. NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards on Technology and Social Work Practice. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

92. American Medical Association. Ethical Practice in Telemedicine. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

93. American Nurses Association. 6 Tips for Nurses Using Social Media. Available at Last accessed March 8, 2021.

94. Sage M, Sage T. Social media and e -professionalism in child welfare: policy and practice. J Public Child Welf. 2016;10(1):79-95.

95. Westrick SJ. Nursing students' use of electronic and social media: law, ethics, and e-professionalism. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2016;37(1):16-22.

96. Barnable A, Cunning G, Parcon M. Nursing students' perceptions of confidentiality, accountability, and e-professionalism in relation to Facebook. Nurse Educ. 2018;43(1):28-31.

97. Ryan D, Garrett PM. Social work "logged on:" contemporary dilemmas in an evolving "techno-habitat." European Journal of Social Work. 2018;21(1):32-44.

98. Green T, Wilhelmsen T, Wilmots E, Dodd B, Quinn S. Social anxiety, attributes of online communication and self-disclosure across private and public Facebook communication. Comput Human Behav. 2016;58:206-213.

99. Eichenberg C, Herzberg PY. Do therapists Google their patients? A survey among psychotherapists. J Med Internet Res. 2016;18(1):e3.

100. Wissinger CL, Stiegler Z. Using the extended parallel process model to frame e-professionalism instruction in healthcare education. Teaching & Learning in Medicine. 2019;31(3):335-341.

101. Li DK. "New York Med" Nurse Fired for "Insensitive" Instagram Shot. Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

102. Ouellette C. Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts (Updated for 2021). Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

103. Burke K. 107 Texting Statistics That Answer All Your Questions. Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

104. Dobrilova T. 35 Must-Know SMS Marketing Statistics In 2019. Available at Last accessed April 13, 2021.

105. Fang L, Tarshis S, McInroy L, Mishna F. Undergraduate student experiences with text-based online counselling. British Journal of Social Work. 2018;48(6):1774-1790.

106. Harrison L, Wright J. The experiences of person-centred counsellors working with suicidal clients online through the medium of text. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2020;48(4):576-591.

107. Karcher NR, Presser NR. Ethical and legal issues addressing the use of mobile health (mHealth) as an adjunct to psychotherapy. Ethics & Behavior. 2018;28(1):1-22.

108. Prescott J, Hanley T, Ujhelyi Gomez K. Why do young people use online forums for mental health and emotional support? Benefits and challenges. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 2019;47(3):317-327.

109. Hu Y. Helping is healing: examining relationships between social support, intended audiences, and perceived benefits of mental health blogging. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. 2019;12(2):112-120.

110. Wang Z, Wang S, Zhang Y, Jiang X. Social media usage and online professionalism among registered nurses: a cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2019;98:19-26.

111. Chretien KC, Tuck MG. Online professionalism: a synthetic review. International Review of Psychiatry. 2015;27(2):106-117.

112. Ryan G, Jackson J, Cornock M. Exploring public perspectives of e-professionalism in nursing. Nursing Management. 2019;26(6):29-35.

113. Clark-Gordon CV, Bowman ND, Goodboy AK, Wright A. Anonymity and online self-disclosure: a meta-analysis. Communication Reports. 2019;32(2).

114. Dike CC, Candilis P, Kocsis B, Sidhu N, Recupero P. Ethical considerations regarding internet searches for patient information. Psychiatric Services. 2019;70(4):324-328.

115. Booth RG. Happiness, stress, a bit of vulgarity, and lots of discursive conversation: a pilot study examining nursing students' tweets about nursing education posted to Twitter. Nurse Education Today. 2015;35:322-327.

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    • Review the course material online or in print.
    • Complete the course evaluation.
    • Review your Transcript to view and print your Certificate of Completion. Your date of completion will be the date (Pacific Time) the course was electronically submitted for credit, with no exceptions. Partial credit is not available.