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Mass Shooters and Extremist Violence: Motives, Paths, and Prevention

Course #76431-

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1. Post JM. Terrorism and right-wing extremism: the changing face of terrorism and political violence in the 21st century: the virtual community of hatred. Int J Group Psychother. 2015;65(2):243-271.

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3. Post JM, McGinnis C, Moody K. The changing face of terrorism in the 21st century: the communications revolution and the virtual community of hatred. Behav Sci Law. 2014;32(3):306-334.

4. Sparrow J. In the End, We Forget the Anarchists, Bombers and "Lone Wolves," but the Hysteria They Provoke Stays with Us. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

5. Ketcham C. When Revolution Came to America: A Brief History of Violence Against Wall Street and its Accomplices. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

6. Possley M. An Intriguing Look at the Man Who Tried to Kill FDR. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

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23. Knoll JL IV. The "pseudocommando" mass murderer: a blaze of vainglory. Psychiatr Times. 2012;29(1):1-11.

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25. Rocque M, Duwe G. Rampage shootings: an historical, empirical, and theoretical overview. Curr Opin Psychol. 2018;19:28-33.

26. Amman M, Gibson KA, Bowlin M, et al. Making Prevention a Reality: Identifying, Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

27. Knoll JL, Pies RW. Mounties, cowboys, avengers—and the cultural script of gun violence. Psychiatric Times. 2016;33(1).

28. Hamlett LE. Common Psycholinguistic Themes in Mass Murderer Manifestos. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

29. Knoll JL IV. The "pseudocommando" mass murderer: part II, the language of revenge. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2010;38(2):263-272.

30. Smith S, Shuy R. Forensic psycholinguistics: using language analysis for identifying and assessing offenders. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 2002;71(4):16-21.

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37. Meloy JR. The seven myths of mass murder. Violence Gend. 2014;1(3):102-104.

38. Van Dorn R, Volavka J, Johnson N. Mental disorder and violence: is there a relationship beyond substance use? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2012;47(3):487-503.

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40. Meloy JR, Yakeley J. The violent true believer as a "lone wolf:" psychoanalytic perspectives on terrorism. Behav Sci Law. 2014;32(3):347-365.

41. Rahman T, Resnick PJ, Harry B. Anders Breivik: extreme beliefs mistaken for psychosis. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2016;44(1): 28-35.

42. Rahman T. Extreme overvalued beliefs: how violent extremist beliefs become "normalized." Behav Sci. 2018;8(1):10.

43. Allely CS, Wilson P, Minnis H, Thompson L, Yaksic E, Gillberg C. Violence is rare in autism: when it does occur, is it sometimes extreme? J Psychol. 2017;151(1):49-68.

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45. Dutton DG, White KR, Fogarty D. Paranoid thinking in mass shooters. Aggress Violent Behav. 2013;18(5):548-553.

46. Knoll JL, Meloy JR. Mass murder and the violent paranoid spectrum. Psychiatr Ann. 2014;44(5):236-243.

47. Steffgen G, Recchia S, Viechtbauer W. The link between school climate and violence in school: a meta-analytic review. Aggress Violent Behav. 2013;18(2):300-309.

48. Rosen IC. Revenge—the hate that dare not speak its name: a psychoanalytic perspective. J Am Psychoanal Assoc. 2007;55(2): 595-620.

49. Menninger WW. Uncontained rage: a psychoanalytic perspective on violence. Bull Menninger Clin. 2007;71(2):115-131.

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54. White SG, Meloy JR, Mohandie K, Kienlen K. Autism spectrum disorder and violence: threat assessment issues. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. 2017;4(3):144-163.

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66. Meloy JR. Threat assessment: scholars, operators, our past, our future. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. 2015;2(3-4):231-242.

67. Liem M, van Buuren J, de Roy van Zuijdewijn J, Schönberger H, Bakker E. European lone actor terrorists versus "common" homicide offenders: an empirical analysis. Homicide Stud. 2018;22(1):45-69.

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69. Follman M. How the Media Inspires Mass Shooters and 7 Ways News Outlets Can Help Prevent Copycat Attacks. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

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81. Meloy JR, Gill P. The lone actor terrorist and the TRAP-18. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. 2016;3(1):37-51.

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85. Meloy JR, Hoffmann J, Guldimann A, James D. The role of warning behaviors in threat assessment: an exploration and suggested typology. Behav Sci Law. 2012;30(3):256-279.

86. Knoll JL IV. Mass murder: causes, classification, and prevention. Psychiatric Clin North Am. 2012;35(4):757-780.

87. Silver J, Horgan J, Gill P. Foreshadowing targeted violence: assessing leakage of intent by public mass murderers. Aggress Violent Behav. 2018;38:94-100.

88. Meloy JR, Mohandie K, Knoll J, Hoffmann J. The concept of identification in threat assessment. Behav Sci Law. 2015;33(2-3): 213-237.

89. Horgan JG, Gill P, Bouhana N, Silver J, Corner E. Across the Universe? A Comparative Analysis of Violent Behavior and Radicalization Across Three Offender Types with Implications for Criminal Justice Training and Education. Available at Last accessed March 11, 2022.

90. Meloy JR. Sexual desire, violent death, and the true believer. Contemp Psychoanal. 2018;54(1):1-20.

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100. Meloy JR, Pollard JW. Lone-actor terrorism and impulsivity. J Forensic Sci. 2017;62(6):1643-1646.

101. McCauley C, Moskalenko S. Understanding political radicalization: the two-pyramids model. American Psychologist. 2017;72(3):205-216.

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