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Borderline Personality Disorder

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1. Grant BF, Chou SP, Goldstein RB, et al. Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of DSM-IV borderline personality disorder: results from the Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.J Clin Psychiatry. 2008;69(4):533-545.

2. Trull TJ, Jahng S, Tomko RL, Wood PK, Sher KJ. Revised NESARC personality disorder diagnoses: gender, prevalence, and comorbidity with substance dependence disorders.J Pers Disord. 2010;24(4):412-426.

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11. Paris J, Gunderson J, Weinberg I. The interface between borderline personality disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders.Compr Psychiatry. 2007;48(2):145-154.

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29. Zanarini MC, Frankenburg FR, Ridolfi ME, Jager-Hyman S, Hennen J, Gunderson JG. Reported childhood onset of self-mutilation among borderline patients.J Pers Disord. 2006;20(1):9-15.

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37. Stepp SD, Lazarus SA, Byrd AL. Systematic review of risk factors prospectively associated with borderline personality disorder: taking stock and moving forward.Personal Disord. 2016;7(4):316-323.

38. Biskin RS, Paris J. Management of borderline personality disorder.CMAJ. 2012;184(17):1897-1902.

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48. Zanarini MC, Frankenburg FR, Hennen J, Silk KR. Mental health service utilization by borderline personality disorder patients and Axis II comparison subjects followed prospectively for 6 years.J Clin Psychiatry. 2004;65(1):28-36.

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72. Zanarini MC, Frankenburg FR, Yong L, et al. Borderline psychopathology in the first-degree relatives of borderline and Axis II comparison probands.J Pers Dis. 2004;18(5):439-447.

73. O'Connor E, Bureau JF, McCartney K, Lyons-Ruth K. Risks and outcomes associated with disorganized/controlling patterns of attachment at age three in the NICHD study of early child care and youth development.Infant Ment Health J. 2011;32(4):450-472.

74. Meuldijk D, McCarthy A, Bourke ME, Grenyer BFS. The value of psychological treatment for borderline personality disorder: systematic review and cost offset analysis of economic evaluations.PLoS One. 2017;12(3):e0171592.

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